Why I Chose To Go Into Real Estate

“Get my real estate license” has been on my New Year’s resolution list since 2021 and this year, I can finally say that I did it! The timing was right - I started working as an assistant to Amy Snider, a successful LA real estate agent, last May and I couldn’t be more thankful to be in the position I am in right now.

You may be wondering, why real estate?

1. I Love Hosting

I’ve always been one to create a memorable experience. It's a passion that goes way back to my childhood. I remember when my neighbor, Violet, babysat me when I was just 8 years old. For her, it was just babysitting, but for me, it was an opportunity to host her to a lovely dinner of macaroni and cheese and hot fudge sundaes. I pulled out my mom's fine china, which was tucked high above the kitchen counter, to set the most exquisite dining table. Since then, I have always looked forward to helping my mom plan and host numerous Passovers and Thanksgivings. Our tables were always elaborately decorated, and our guests still talk about the memorable experiences to this day!

I believe that real estate is not just about selling properties, but also about creating meaningful experiences for my clients. Whether it's helping them find their dream home or guiding them through the process of selling their property, I strive to provide exceptional service and create memorable moments that they will look back on and smile.

2. I Love Performing

Fun fact: Up until my senior year of high school, I was dead-set on becoming the next Taylor Swift. I've always loved performing and putting on a show, and that creativity and energy have become hallmarks of my approach to real estate. While I may not be belting out tunes at an open house, I see real estate as a different kind of performance. As a real estate professional, I am my clients' advocate and representative in one of the biggest transactions of their lives. I use my skills to create an experience for potential buyers, painting a vivid picture that allows them to imagine themselves living in the home. Just like when I used to perform as a singer, I bring my genuine warmth and enthusiasm to every interaction with clients and potential buyers. I believe that real estate is not just about selling properties, but also about creating a memorable experience and helping clients achieve their dreams.

3. I Can Be Myself

As a real estate professional, I am my own business. To grow my business, I need to focus on growing myself. This involves continuously educating myself on the real estate market, as well as working on becoming a healthier and more balanced person. Real estate is not a sales job; it's about building personal relationships, both with myself and with others. In this industry, the relationship I have with myself matters. As an entrepreneur, I need to be confident and believe in myself, because how can I expect others to believe in me if I don't believe in myself?

Unlike a regular job where I can clock out at 5pm, real estate is an always-on endeavor, and for the first time I actually embrace that in a positive way. Being in real estate allows me to be knowledgeable about something that truly matters in the world - the real estate market. It's an industry that is always relevant, and almost everyone will have some form of interaction with it at some point in their lives. I have the privilege of meeting and getting to know people from all walks of life, and my goal is to earn their trust by providing expert advice, sharing my knowledge, and being there for them when they need me.

Real estate is a social business, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to make new friends, establish meaningful relationships, and be a trusted advisor to my clients. It's not just a job, but a fulfilling journey to educate, connect, and serve others in an industry that is always relevant and meaningful.

5. I Get To Help People

My favorite quote is from Ralph Waldo Emerson from his definition of success, which is “to know that one life has breathed easier because you have lived.” What brings me the greatest joy in life is having the ability to change someone’s life for the better. Whether that is educating someone on how they can achieve financial freedom through real estate, or consoling a friend through a difficult time. Knowing that something that I did or said has helped someone is perhaps the greatest measure of success for me. As a real estate agent, I have the privilege of being many things to many people, from a trusted real estate advisor to a supportive friend, and even a confidant and therapist during their emotional journey - and I am always happy to fulfill these roles.

I chose to pursue a career in real estate because it aligns with who I am: my love for challenges, my passion for helping others, and my ability to create memorable experiences. Real estate allows me to constantly learn and grow, build personal relationships, and make a positive impact in people's lives.

If you or anyone you know is looking to buy, sell, or rent a property, or if you have any questions about real estate, I would be honored to be your trusted advisor.


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