I Tried Prenuvo’s Full-Body MRI Scan

I’ve always been super curious about my body and my health, to the point where some doctors are probably annoyed when I come with suggestions on what ailment I may have (and I’ve been right a few times!) From trying different wellness practices to staying up-to-date with the latest health trends, I'm committed to taking proactive steps to optimize my health. I'm also a big proponent of early detection, which was reinforced last year when I received some sobering news. I went to my dermatologist for my regular check up and botox, and it turns out I had a very early stage melanoma. Thankfully, it was caught early, and I was able to get it removed quickly. My doctor even mentioned that if I had come in a week later, it wouldn't have been there. While I've always been on top of my health, that experience served as a wakeup call, highlighting the importance of early detection and regular health screenings. So when I learned about Prenuvo —a company that offers full-body MRI scans that can detect more than 500 conditions, including cancer and aneurysms — I was very intrigued! Now, fair warning, the Prenuvo scan is on the pricier side ($2500 for a full body scan, and no insurance doesn’t cover it), so it took me a couple years to actually pull the trigger and schedule my scan. 

My fiance, Brian, and I decided to go through the process together. We booked our scans in February and the earliest availability was in early May! That just goes to show how popular this technology has gotten - I remember playing around on the site a while back and seeing availability the next day! The booking process was simple - all we had to do was fill out a brief health questionnaire and our appointment was scheduled. 

Photo Credit: NY Times

A few months later and it was finally scan day! The instructions tell you not to eat 4 hours before your scan. While I have had MRI’s before, I was a little nervous knowing that this MRI was going to be so long. The full-body scan is about an hour, and then they offer a head and torso scan, and just a torso scan which is less time. I’m not typically claustrophobic, but I do have general anxiety so I was a bit nervous. I didn’t need it, but I guess if you are claustrophobic, you can request a sedative before your appointment. 

When I arrived at the Prenuvo location in Los Angeles, the front desk people greeted me and checked me in. I took a seat and admired the offices and the snack corner, which I couldn’t take part in because of the fasting rule. There were a few other people in the waiting room area, and then one woman who was maybe an influencer? having photos and videos taken of her. So LA lol. My name was called and I was brought into my own private dressing room where I was instructed to change my clothes and lock up my belongings. Shortly after, a nurse knocked on my door and led me to the MRI room. We chatted for a bit and he asked if I wanted to watch Netflix or Spotify. I decided to listen to a podcast. The Viall Files recently released their episode about their wedding, and being a 2024 bride I’m loving all the wedding content, so I decided to listen to that. I got onto the machine and was given a pair of headphones and glasses, which had a mirror on top that reflected a TV behind me. It was so cool because it looked like I was looking up at a TV and I definitely didn’t feel like I was stuck in a tube. Also, they do say that their MRI machine is a bit bigger than most. 

At various moments during the MRI, a recorded voice came on telling me to inhale and hold my breath. I was informed that this was so they could get specific images. The MRI technician popped in my ears a few times to check in and let me know how much time we had left, which was super helpful. Before I knew it, he was saying “5 minutes left!” and it was over. Once I got dressed in my changing room, I was met by a lady who gave me an overview of what to expect moving forward. 10-15 days for my results, and then a nurse would reach out to schedule a private consultation to go over everything. She handed me a yellow packet which included 3 $200 gift cards for me to share with friends and family. I headed out and was back in the waiting room, where I was finally able to indulge in the snack table! I grabbed a cookie dough protein bar which I enjoyed on my hour-long commute back home in rush hour. :) 

As I anxiously await my results, I’m feeling excited but also nervous. Some people who I’ve spoken to say they wouldn’t want to do this MRI because it would just cause them stress to know that much about their body. Sure, ignorance is bliss in some sense but for me personally, I would want to know if there was something that I can prevent or take control of now, rather than find out years later when it may be too late. And for someone who is always panicking at the slightest headache, it would give me peace of mind knowing that there isn’t something terrible happening that I’m not aware of. 

Photo Credit: Prenuvo

Regardless of whether people choose to pursue the Prenuvo MRI scan, I am a strong advocate for its accessibility to all. The current price point and lack of insurance coverage are significant barriers for many individuals, and I hope that someday soon insurances will begin to cover these types of preventative screenings. 

If you're interested in learning more about Prenuvo and my experience, I'd be more than happy to chat and share my $200 gift card with you! Reach out! 


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